Addictions Awareness Week-Delaware Nations Health Centre- Sept. 19, 2018

Dr. Chawla shares what are the influences that keeps individuals addicted to certain behaviors and how to change those influencers. He shares his Change Framework model and unveils common myths and mistakes people have about creating happiness, joy and prosperity. As always, he uses magic and illusions to illustrate these concepts. He also engages the audience with his practical approach.
International Conference on Physician's Health- Toronto, ON, Oct.11-13, 2018

Learning, Sharing about how Physicians health is being affected by the current changes in the way medical services are delivered. Suicide and burnout rates are the higher than ever before. ever.
Elders Gathering- Sharing the Vision to Shape the Future- Aug.21, 2018
Dr. Chawla has been honored to give a Keynote on how individuals and communities can create greater health and harmony. His focus will be on key leadership traits and strategies that can be used to empower oneself and others.

Mind Full or Mindful: Tools, Tactics and Strategies- June 27, 2018
In a world where we are constantly distracted by high demands, it can be challenging to "be present". But what and how do we do that? Dr. Chawla works with the executives and support staff in uncovering Mindfulness and how to be more aware and attentive.
This event was held by the Business Women's Network at Union Gas.

Power Off & Play- April 19, 2018
This is an educational event for Doctors, Nurses, Teachers, Administrators and other community leaders. Learn how screen time affects children's development and strategies on how families can work with children to minimize overuse of them.
This event is sponsored by CK Public Health and the Municipality of Chatham-Kent

The Life Strength Workshop- May 24, 2016
This is a "boot camp" which helps participants learn how to enhance strategies and approaches to maximize personal achievements in all areas of their life. Focus is geared on Financial, relationship and personal growth. Participants will learn what motivates them to do what they do and learn what's blocking them from "Living their Best Life".
This is a highly entertaining and educational event with magic, humor and music.
Dr. Chawla will be using magic and illusions to illustrate concepts about the way we think and how to change them for the better.
This event is sponsored by Family Services Kent, United Way and CKNN.

CKHA Pharmacy Retreat Weekend- April 30, 2016
Dr. Chawla will be the keynote speaker to kick the day off with lessons on how to create the greatest changes in your life. Uncovering the Secrets to Creating a Life or Greater Joy and Harmony at Work, Home and Play

3rd Annual Mayo Clinic Humanities in Medicine Symposium- Phoenix, AZ - Nov.4-5, 2016

Dr. Chawla will share the Art of How to Use Magic and Illusions in a Clinical Setting to Enhance Clinical Interactions. He identifies the key concepts of the doctor patient interaction and how clinicians can improve those connections. The key element of any successful interaction is establishing trust. The workshop also teaches clinicians amazing magic skills they can immediately use. This workshop has been widely performed and very popular at the many medical conferences he's lectured at.
Previous Workshops and Lectures Include:
Working with McMasterUniversity Department's Resident's Weekend Clinical Training
Schulich School of Medicine Grand Rounds
Multiple Medical Conferences at the Anual Family Medicine Forums on improving the Doctor-Patient Relationship
Guest Speaker twice at the Annual Paediatric Society Conference
Many other workshops for companies and organizations on improving resilience, workflow and systems.